Thsnk you for your response, the pip installer doesnt work, only for the 
launcher for 32 bits. 

But my mainproblem is that I cant connect pygresql. I can download the package 
but after it says that it cant find the module

Enviado desde mi iPhone

> El 4 apr 2016, a las 22:39, Zachary Ware <> 
> escribió:
> Hi Gustaf,
> On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 9:38 PM, Gustaf Nilsson
> <> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> The only 3.5.1 versio that works for me is the 32 bits version, will it be
>> a problem to use the 32 bits version for 64 bits computer?
> From your mention of a 'launcher' I'm assuming you're on Windows.
> It's perfectly fine to use 32-bit Python on 64-bit Windows.  However,
> how exactly does the launcher for the 64-bit version not work?  What
> happens?  What did you expect to happen that didn't?  What error
> message do you get?  It's entirely possible that your version of
> Windows is in fact 32-bit, even though the computer itself has a
> 64-bit processor.
> Hope this helps,
> -- 
> Zach

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