On 04/01/2016 01:27 PM, Fillmore wrote:

notorious pass by reference vs pass by value biting me in the backside
here. Proceeding in order.

It's only notorious for folks that don't understand that Python uses neither. It also doesn't help when folks don't understand how name-binding works.

    if orderstring:
        bringOrderStringToFront(Tokens, orderstring)

Tokens has now been passed in to bringOrderStringToFront, and it has been assigned the name of `mylist`.

    def bringOrderStringToFront(mylist, key):

At this point `mylist` and `Tokens` are the same object.

        for i in range(len(mylist)):
                mylist = [mylist[i]] + mylist[:i] + mylist[i+1:]

And now they are not, as you just assigned the name `mylist` to something else.


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