> On Mar 30, 2016, at 2:36 PM, Gregory Ewing <greg.ew...@canterbury.ac.nz> 
> wrote:
> Tim Golden wrote:
>> (I don't know how other English-speaking groups say the word, but in
>> England the first syllable is stressed and the second is the
>> conventional short "uh" sound).
> I can attest that New Zealand follows the UK on this. I was
> surprised when I first heard an American pronounce it too.
> The curious can hear the difference on these pages:
> British:  http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/python
> American: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/python?s=t

That does it. If I ever make some sort of open source module for pythun/pythawn 
I’ll be sure to call it either tuhmayto/tomawto. Or maybe I’ll call it 


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