Dejan Rodiger said the following on 9.08.2005 23:28:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] said the following on 9.08.2005 22:45:
>>Yes I double checked as I appreciate any help, but that is what is
>>stored on disk.
>>If it helps, we modified Ex#3. to be 777-777-7777
>>On disk this is now 00 00 10 87 77 F9 Fc 41
>>All the input fields are filled in this new example.
> So for number with 10 digit numbers you could say that it is:
> 7777777777(10)=1CF977871(16)
> 1CF977871 SHL 4 bits = 1C F9 77 87 10
> write them from right to left and shift left for 8 bits
> 10 87 77 f9 1C 00
> And then add F0 41

And add E041 (not F0 41)

Dejan Rodiger - PGP ID 0xAC8722DC
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