Hi Richard,
On 27/03/16 20:38, Richard Riehle wrote:
I realize that this seems trivial to many experience Pythonistas. But it might
prove useful for those who are relative newcomers
Thanks for sharing your solution (people finding the original question
because it happens to match their own may then find this follow-up).
However, please also read PEP8 -
def button1(number):
print ('button1 = ', number) ## define the buttons
def button2(number):
print ('button2 = ', number)
def button3(number):
print ('button3 = ', number)
buttonList = [button1, button2, button3] ## create the list
buttonList [1] (25) ## using positional association
button2 = 25
buttonList [0] (number = 78) ## using named association
button1 = 78
The whitespace before the [] and () is what I'm referring you to PEP8
about. Of course, you can do what you want - this is just a friendly
nudge ;) That extra whitespace does make it a bit harder to grok if
you're used to reading "typical" Python code.
BR, E.