On Thursday, March 24, 2016 at 7:47:34 PM UTC-4, Mark Lawrence wrote:
> On 24/03/2016 23:33, Ian Kelly wrote:
> > On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 4:58 PM, Mark Lawrence <breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> 
> > wrote:
> >> No.  While this idiot, BartC, is let loose on this forum, I'll say what I
> >> like.
> >
> > Good to know. I've been on the fence about this for a long time, but
> > lately the frequency of your outbursts seems to have increased, and
> > you're being more of a nuisance to this list than the people whom
> > you're complaining about.
> >
> > *plonk*
> >
> I just love it.  A complete moron like BartC insults the Python 
> community day in, day out, yet I'm the problem?   When he can actually 
> write a decent line of Python code and avoid discussing speed I'll think 
> about him as a professional programmer.  I cannot see this happening 
> when all he talks about is byte code.  He's clearly never read anything 
> like Steve Maguire's "Writing Solid Code".
Yes Mark, you are a problem.  You insult people personally. There is no need
for that.  BartC is a challenge, I agree, but he has not said anything
personal against you or anyone else.

Stop making personal attacks.  Find another way to deal with your frustration.

The Python Code of Conduct says to treat people with respect.  You aren't
doing that.  I know you feel like Bart has been disrespectful by dragging out
threads and ignoring important parts of the Python language.  I agree, that
is frustrating, but it different than making personal insults.

Stop it.  You are hurting this list and you are hurting Python.


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