On Thursday, March 17, 2016 at 7:52:26 PM UTC-5, Gene Heskett wrote:
> So the obvious question then is, will any of your python code still be 
> running and doing its labor saving and dead on the video frame timing 
> job several times daily, 17 years hence?

Well, let me put it this way folks: As much as like Python,
i must admit that it's staying power will be more aligned
with that of Brittney Spears and Justin Timberlake -- than
the Beatles or the Rolling Stones.

Actually, the range is correct, but the celebrities are
completely wrong!

Python is more like James Marshall Hendrix, Elvis Presley,
Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison all wrapped-up into one!

"Alien forces" from another dimension, that showed up one
day, transformed rock-n-roll, and then disappeared before we
even knew what the heck happened.

In the not too distant future, there will be vast conspiracy
theories surrounding the demise of Python -- some will say
it was the mob, others the government.

There will be random public sightings, and kooks will claim 
to see the "image of Python" on burnt toast.

Perhaps someone, after attaching suction cups to a stuffed
snake, will enjoy the "commercial interstate success" that 
only Jim Davis knows...

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