Good job~
I also like both java and py so I always focus on jython,
but now it's being moved forward kinda slow.
I'm looking forward to jython 2.4.

You're right, swing is great. wxpy is also wonderfu but it's so lack
of docs. I mainly work on windows so I use p4d(python for delphi), I
use delphi for UI and use py for some other works. p4d is magic, I
like it. And I recommend it to everyone who is familiar with both py
and delphi.

On 8/9/05, Ramza Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know you may frown at my use at java, but this is a pretty simple way
> to create GUIs quickly, using Java's swing.  I have some code for an
> approach for integrating the swing GUI components and python.  I threw
> the project together in a couple of days, so it is not some massive
> application.  And, I have some little models(hehe).  Anyway, if you want
> to check out an approach for working with Jython, here it is.
> Some questions, I do get asked, how do you us python code in java.  I
> normally don't like using my python objects in the java code.
> Basically, there is never the *.java files.  You can do everything in
> python, it is a lot simpler, short of language constructs you can only
> do in java.
> This is a HTML code generator, you only need a java runtime.
> --
> Ramza from Atlanta
> --

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