On 14/03/2016 22:10, Seymore4Head wrote:
Wells Fargo online will not allow you to change a payee's address. You
have to delete the account and re enter it.

I have had most of my bills on autopay for at least 15 years.  The
last utility company to make the change was the water company.  For
some reason their system could not take checks from my bank.  I had
the bank send the water company a check for 11.50 each month which was
a pretty close estimate of the actual bill and they adjusted the
actual amount plus or minus a few cents for around 2 years until they
"modernized" system.

Anyway, except for a few personal checks I have to write for home
maintenance, everything is automatic.  There are a few companies that
I have the bank issue checks from time to time.  There have been a
couple of times where the person/company actually changes the address,
but Wells Fargo does not allow you to change the address of a payee.
This sucks.  You would think the bank would issue you a unique number
for the payee and you should be able to change the address without
having to delete and remake the account.  The only reason I can think
of is lazy programming.  Do all banks make you delete your account to
change the payee address?

Well if banks can't spell "modernised" or "cheques" correctly there is obviously no hope. Perhaps we could get BartC to write a bit of code to sort this problem out?

Goes off looking for large pair of pliers with which to pull tongue from cheek.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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