How about just helping this project:
I know he's trying to rewrite it to work across multiple uC's (AVR,msp430 etc) HTH, Guy Evil Bastard wrote: > Hi all, > > I'm currently tackling the problem of implementing a python to assembler > compiler for PIC 18Fxxx microcontrollers, and thought I'd open it up > publicly for suggestions before I embed too many mistakes in the > implementation. > > The easy part is getting the ast, via compiler.ast. Also easy is > generating the code, once the data models are worked out. > > The hard part is mapping from the abundant high-level python reality to > the sparse 8-bit microcontroller reality. > > I looked at pyastra, but it has fatal problems for my situation: > - no backend for 18fxxx devices > - only 8-bit ints supported > > I'm presently ripping some parts from the runtime engine of a forth > compiler I wrote earlier, to add support for 8-32 bit ints, floats, and > a dual-stack environment that offers comfortable support for local > variables/function parameters, as well as support for simpler and more > compact code generation. > > Python is all about implicitly and dynamically creating/destroying > arbitrarily typed objects from a heap. I've got a very compact > malloc/free, and could cook up a refcounting scheme, but using this for > core types like ints would destroy performance, on a chip that's already > struggling to do 10 mips. > > The best idea I've come up with so far is to use a convention of > identifier endings to specify type, eg: > - foo_i16 - signed 16-bit > - foo_u32 - unsigned 32-bit > - bar_f - 24-bit float > - blah - if an identifier doesn't have a 'magic ending', it will > be deemed to be signed 16-bit > > also, some virtual functions uint16(), int16(), uint32(), int32(), > float() etc, which work similar to C casting and type conversion, so I > don't have to struggle with type inference at compile time. > > Yes, this approach sucks. But can anyone offer any suggestions which > suck less? > --