On 13/03/2016 13:20, Veek. M wrote:
Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote:
Nobility lies in action, not in name.
Someone called Ned.B who i know elsewhere spoke on your behalf. I'm glad
to say I like/trust Ned a bit so *huggles* to you, and I shall snip.
Also, sorry about the 'Steve' thing - bit shady dragging in crap from
elsewhere but my reputation here is not sterling (too many Q not many
A), so I tend to defend it willy-nilly. Sorry for the excess BP I may
have caused as well. One more *huggles* to you.
All the huggling doesn't imply i trust you etc etc. Ah umm.. anyway :p
ciao till my next Q
Please ignore 'PointedEars', every month or so for some weird reason he
complains about people not using their real names. Why? I've no idea,
but I suggest that you don't ask him or we'll be here until Doomsday.
My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.
Mark Lawrence