Hello, I am running the following versions of software:
Python 3.5 psycopg2==2.6.1 Postgres 9.4.5 I have 2 tables. Table User has UserId (serial PK), LastName, FirstName, Gender, DateOfBirth, and DateEnrolled. Table UserProfile has UserProfileId (serial, PK), UserId (FK), DateEntered, FaveNumber, and Activity. There is a one-to-many relationship. The following PostgreSQL works and ultimately creates a record in UserProfile with an associated UserId (FK). \set last_name '''Sara''' \set first_name '''Jackson''' \set gender '''F''' \set dob '''1941-1-12''' \set fave_number '''3''' \set activity '''volleyball''' WITH ins_user AS ( INSERT INTO User (LastName, FirstName, Gender, DateOfBirth, DateEnrolled) VALUES (:last_name, :first_name, :gender, :dob, now()) RETURNING UserId) INSERT INTO UserProfile (UserId, DateEntered, FaveNumber, Activity) VALUES ( (SELECT UserId FROM ins_user), now(), :fave_number :activity); How can I build a psycopg2 cur.execute query that will accomplish the above PostgreSQL? I've read documentation but can't seem to get a handle on how I should structure this command. My starting point is: cur.execute( \ """INSERT INTO User \ (LastName, FirstName, Gender, DateOfBirth, DateEnrolled) \ VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING UserId;""", \ (last_name, first_name, gender, date_of_birth, now(), ??...??) Also, I have a second question. Is it possible to extract that value derived from "RETURNING UserId" so that it can be used in a later query? Thank you for your time! Aaron -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list