On 09/03/2016 04:18, subhabangal...@gmail.com wrote:
Dear Group,

I am trying to write a code for pulling data from MySQL at the backend and 
annotating words and trying to put the results as separated sentences with each 
line. The code is generally running fine but I am feeling it may be better in 
the end of giving out sentences, and for small data sets it is okay but with 
50,000 news articles it is performing dead slow. I am using Python2.7.11 on 
Windows 7 with 8GB RAM.

I am trying to copy the code here, for your kind review.

     cur = db.cursor()
     dict_open=open("/python27/NewTotalTag.txt","r") #OPENING THE DICTIONARY 

As you've had and acknowledged some sound answers, I'll simply point out that many people find the first line above, with just that little bit of whitespace, far easier to read than the second.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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