On Sun, 07 Aug 2005 21:41:33 -0400, Nicolas Fleury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Bengt Richter wrote:
>> But here the problem is not in the __getitem__ method:
>>  >>> c.__getitem__(kw='key word arg')
>>  (<__main__.C object at 0x02EF498C>, (), {'kw': 'key word arg'})
>> It's just that square bracket expression trailer syntax does not
>> allow the same arg list syntax as parenthesis calling trailer syntax.
>I totally agree and that's what I mean.  The formulation of the PEP is 
>wrong, I should almost not talk about __getitem__ since as you said it 
>can have any signature.  The PEP is about extending [] syntax to call 
>automtically __getitem__ function with more complex signatures.
>>>    Should other operators that square brackets be used for
>>>    specialization?
>> Didn't quite parse that ;-) You mean list comprehensions? Or ??
>I mean should angle brackets <> like in C++, or another operator, be 
>used instead?

I am getting the feeling that your PEP is about a means to do something C++-like
in python, not necessarily to enhance python ;-) IOW, it seems like you
want the [<new syntax>] to do something like C++ <type_spec> in templates?

(BTW, I have nothing against giving python new capabilities (quite the reverse),
but not by grafting limbs from other animals ;-)

Maybe you want hidden name-mangling of function defs according to arg types
and corresponding dispatching of calls? I am afraid I am still not clear
on the fundamental motivation for all this ;-)

>Regards and thx for your feedback,
You're welcome.

Bengt Richter

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