On 10/03/2016 02:29, Ben Finney wrote:
BartC <b...@freeuk.com> writes:
So long as /someone else/ uses the hard language to created the needed
libraries, the speed of pure Python is irrelevant. New version of
Python is now half the speed? Another shrug!
Citation needed. I don't know of any released version of Python that was
ever “twice as slow” – no qualifiers – than the previous release.
That was an exaggeration. Yet there was some basis in fact: elsewhere in
the thread, I gave an example of a two-line loop that took 2.1 times as
long to execute in Py3.4.3 as on Py2.7.11.
With some intervening versions, but a 2.7.11 user upgrading direct to
3.4.3 could be in for a shock, if he's into running pointless loops!