Ömer sarı wrote:

> l would like to ask a question as l m a little bit confused .

In computing details matter, and in communication odd personal habits 
distract from the actual message. Please reconsider your use of an "l" as a 
replacement for "I".

> l do practice
> in "how to think like a computer scientist:learning with python3.l
> installed python 2.7.10 and upper version 3.5 python.when l run  example
> code in the book , it gave me error.you can find the code , below. ""

At least as important are the specifics of the "error". Did Python print a a 
"traceback"? This gives detailed information about the error and where in 
the code it occurs. You should always provide it (cut and paste, don't 

> import turtle             # Allows us to use turtles
>  wn = turtle.Screen()      # Creates a playground for turtles
>  alex = turtle.Turtle()    # Create a turtle, assign to alex
>  alex.forward(50)          # Tell alex to move forward by 50 units
>  alex.left(90)             # Tell alex to turn by 90 degrees
>  alex.forward(30)          # Complete the second side of a rectangle
>  wn.mainloop()             # Wait for user to close window
> "" example code taken from "how to think like a computer
> scientist:learning with python3" chapter3. so l wonder which version of
> python l need to use for that code make work??

There are bigger differences between Python 2 and Python 3 than between 
Python 3.1 and Python 3.5. An example written for Python 3.1 is more likely 
to run with Python 3.5 than 2.7. Therefore I recommend that you work through 
the book using the 3.5 interpreter.

> .another question , is there
> any module which is named as arcpy?

Please use separate posts for unrelated questions. Try a search engine 
before you bother humans.


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