On 03/07/2016 11:51 PM, Fillmore wrote:
learning Python from Perl here. Want to do things as Pythonicly as
I am reading a TSV, but need to skip the first 5 lines. The following
works, but wonder if there's a more pythonc way to do things. Thanks
ctr = 0
with open(prfile,mode="rt",encoding='utf-8') as pfile:
for line in pfile:
ctr += 1
if ctr < 5:
allVals = line.strip().split("\t")
what about a generator expression ? The (not so)new hype:
with open(prfile,mode="rt",encoding='utf-8') as pfile:
for values in (l.strip().split("\t") for (i, l) in enumerate(pfile)
if i >=5):
print values
slightly dense, could be better with a lambda function
tovalues = lambda l: l.strip().split("\t")
with open(prfile,mode="rt",encoding='utf-8') as pfile:
for values in (tovalues(l) for (i, l) in enumerate(pfile) if i >=5):
print values
This should even work quite efficiently on big files, because I don't
thing no more than one line is in memory at a given time.