On 07/03/2016 16:38, Tim Golden wrote:
On 07/03/2016 16:25, Xiang Zhang wrote:

I know I can get the attribute name in some way, but since I just
want the attribute name when an AttributeError caused by it raised, I
really don't want to inspect the string or introduce one more layer
over getattr. I hope I can get the attribute which causes the
exception from the AttributeError raised directly. But it seems I

As things stand, you can't. But if you were to chime in on this issue:


then you might bring discussion there back to life again and see some
forward movement. There seemed to be a consensus (and involving some
active developers) so it's possible that new interest might revive interest.


Thanks, you saved me searching for the link that I knew existed :)

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Mark Lawrence


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