First, a simple one: sysconfig.is_python_build()
Return True if the current Python installation was built from source.
False Now, not earth shattering, but I did build this from source - so can someone help me with understanding why Python says no? FYI: These are accurate: (reformated for legibility, where needed)
{'platinclude': '/opt/include/python2.7', 'platstdlib': '/opt/lib/python2.7', 'platlib': '/opt/lib/python2.7/site-packages', 'purelib': '/opt/lib/python2.7/site-packages', 'stdlib': '/opt/lib/python2.7', 'scripts': '/opt/bin', 'include': '/opt/include/python2.7', 'data': '/opt' }
'aix-5.3' And a last question (more about the configure phase I expect) ...() returns, among other things: 'LIBRARY_OBJS': '\\', 'MODULE_OBJS': '\\', 'PARSER_HEADERS': '\\', 'PGENSRCS': '\\ \\', 'PYTHON_OBJS': '\\', 'QUICKTESTOPTS': '-l -x test_subprocess test_io test_lib2to3 \\', 'SHLIB_EXT': '".so"', Why are any of these using '\\' for anything on 'posix'? And, as a DLL object on AIX (in the same sense as linux) is both '' when available as a file AND libNAME.a( when a MEMBER in an archive. Or are there variables there I should ignore (on 'posix')? And, having read a bit - is there a PEP on these variables, meaning, and usage? Thanks for your assistance! Michael --