Quoth "Kay Schluehr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: | Paul Rubin wrote: [ ... re where to go from Python ] |> Lately I'm interested in OCAML as a possible step up from Python. It |> has bogosity of its own (much of it syntactic) but it has static |> typing and a serious compiler, from what I understand. I don't think |> I can grok it from just reading the online tutorial; I'm going to have |> to code something in it, once I get a block of time available. Any |> thoughts? | | The whole ML family ( including OCaml ) and languages like Haskell | based on a Hindley-Milnor type system clearly make a difference. I | would say that those languages are also cutting edge in language theory | research. It should be definitely interesting to you. Since there is no | single language implementation you might also find one that supports | concepts you need most e.g. concurrency: | | http://cml.cs.uchicago.edu/
My vote would be Haskell first, then other functional languages. Learning FP with Objective CAML is like learning to swim in a wading pool -- you won't drown, but there's a good chance you won't really learn to swim either. Has an interesting, very rigorous OOP model though. Donn Cave, [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list