Andrew McLean wrote: > You are welcome. One point. I think there have been at least two > different interpretations of precisely what you task is. > > I had assumed that all the different "header" lines contained data for > the same fields in the same order, and similarly that all the "detail" > lines contained data for the same fields in the same order.
Indeed, you are correct. Peter's version is interesting in its own right, but not precisely what I had in mind. However, from his example I saw what I was missing: I didn't realize that you could reassign the DictReader field names on the fly. Here is a rudimentary example of my working code and the data it can parse. ------------------------------------- John|Smith Beef|Potatos|Dinner Roll|Ice Cream Susan|Jones Chicken|Peas|Biscuits|Cake Roger|Miller Pork|Salad|Muffin|Cookies ------------------------------------- import csv HeaderFields = ["First Name", "Last Name"] DetailFields = ["Entree", "Side Dish", "Starch", "Desert"] reader = csv.DictReader(open("testdata.txt"), [], delimiter="|") while True: try: # Read next "header" line (if there isn't one then exit the loop) reader.fieldnames = HeaderFields header = # Read the next "detail" line reader.fieldnames = DetailFields detail = # Print the parsed data print '-' * 40 print "Header (%d fields): %s" % (len(header), header) print "Detail (%d fields): %s" % (len(detail), detail) except StopIteration: break Regards, -Stephan --