On 2/26/2016 9:21 PM, mentific...@gmail.com wrote:
On Friday, February 26, 2016 at 2:09:07 PM UTC-8, Sven R. Kunze wrote:
Hi everybody,
I recognized the following oddity (background story:
Python sometimes seems not to hop back and forth between C and Python code.
http://srkunze.blogspot.com/2016/02/lets-go-down-rabbit-hole.html ?
If there are too many bugs in Python,
As it turns out, there was no bug, just a misunderstanding of heapq and
its doc.
you could switch to Perl (Perl6 just came out :-)
especially for artificial intelligence (Strong AI)
and for webservers running a "Ghost" AI Mind. See
or you could use "AI Steps" to code Strong AI in Python.
For those who don't know, Arthur has be working on and promoting on his
'AI Mind' project for at least a decade, probably more. AFAIK, it has
been a few years since his last off-topic response like this. Arthur,
please promote you once-Forth, now Perl project elsewhere. Everyone
else, please don't respond further on python-list.
Terry Jan Reedy