On 2/24/2016 7:42 AM, pyfreek wrote:
The following snippet alone is taking 1 minute to execute. is there any best 
way to find 'No such file' other than using child.before

                 if not scrutinFile.startswith('/') :
                         scrutinFile = '/'+ scrutinFile
                 scrutinFileFtp = directory + scrutinFile
                 filePath, file = os.path.split(scrutinFileFtp)
                 p.sendline('cd %s'%(filePath))
                 if 'No such file' in p.before:
                         print "No such directory exists!!"

I'd guess that you've got your p.expect line wrong -- it looks to me like you're allowing that line to complete only upon seeing an EOF or TIMEOUT, and that it's timing out as a result.



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