On Tuesday, February 16, 2016 at 3:39:34 AM UTC-5, jf...@ms4.hinet.net wrote:
> I know
>     with open('foo.txt') as f:
>         ...do something...
> will close the file automatically when the "with" block ends. 
> I also saw codes in a book:
>     for line in open('foo.txt'):
>       ...do something...
> but it didn't mention if the file will be closed automatically or not when 
> the "for" block ends. Is there any document talking about this? and how to 
> know if a file is in "open" or not?
> --Jach Fong

One way of having a file automatically closed is to have something like:

with open("file_name") as foo:
    for x in foo:
       # process line x

Once the with block has completed, the file will be automatically closed. Sorry 
if this has already been posted, but I wasn't able to see it.

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