On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 2:19 PM, mustang <must...@nomail.it> wrote:

> How about https://plot.ly/python/ ?
>> Free versione: Create 1 private chart
> And if I've 3 sensor with 3 different plots?
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

You need free and private?  The price is low -- if this is a business why
not pay?  If not a business, why private?

There is another charting library called pygal which is great.  It can
produce output to .svg file format or .png.  You could distribute the files
which will display in a browser.  Or you could build them into web pages if
you are so inclined to build a website.  It seems that isn't what you want
to do.  You could also upload images to some free image site. Photobucket
supports .png images.  pygal can create .png images

Joel Goldstick

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