Another thread pointed out a couple of methods that would be nice to have on Python collections: find and inject. These are taken from <URL: >.
find can be defined as: def find(self, test = None): for item in self: if test: if test(item): return item elif item: return item return ValueError, '%s.index(): no matching items in list' \ % self.__class__.__name__ find with no arguments is identical to the any function <URL: > that Guido has already accepted <URL: >, except it's a method. find raises a ValueError so that you can search for any value. This also keeps it's behavior similar to index. An alternative to adding a new method to collections would be adding a new keyword argument - test - to the list index method. This would remove the overlap of functionality with any. However, it would also mean you couldn't use it on anything but lists (and presumably strings). I'm not sure how serious a restriction that is. inject is basically an OO version of reduce. You can define it in terms of reduce: def inject(self, op, init = None): return reduce(op, self, init) The arguments against reduce probably apply to it as well. But it makes the pain from removing reduce vanish. These have probably been proposed before, but under other names. If so, I'd appreciate pointers to the discussion. <mike -- Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information. --