On Friday, January 22, 2016 at 4:49:19 PM UTC+5:30, Chris Angelico wrote: > On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 9:19 PM, Marko Rauhamaa wrote: > > The knowhow, vision and skill is apparently very rare. On the product > > management side, we have the famous case of Steve Jobs, who simply told > > the engineers to go back to the drawing boards when he didn't like the > > user experience. Most others would have simply surrendered to the > > mediocre designs and shipped the product. > > > > We need similar code sanity management. Developers are given much too > > much power to mess up the source code. That's why "legacy" is considered > > a four-letter word among developers. > > So what do you do with a huge program? Do you send it back to the > developers and say "Do this is less lines of code"? > > CPython is a large and complex program. How do you propose doing it "right"?
Put thus 'generistically' this is a rhetorical question and makes Marko look like he's making a really foolish point Specifically, what little Ive seen under the CPython hood looked distinctly improvable. egs. 1. My suggestion to have the docs re. generator-function vs generator-objects cleaned up had no takers 2. My students trying to work inside the lexer made a mess because the extant lexer is a mess. I.e. while python(3) *claims* to accept Unicode input, the actual lexer is an ASCII lexer special-cased for unicode rather than pre-lexing utf8 to unicode These are just specific examples that I am familiar with Chris' general point still stands, viz take the large and complex program that is cpython and clean up these messinesses: You will still have a large and complex program -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list