Nick Mellor writes:

> Hi all,
> Seemingly simple problem:
> There is a case in my code where I know a dictionary has only one item
> in it. I want to get the value of that item, whatever the key is.
> In Python2 I'd write:
>>>> d = {"Wilf's Cafe": 1}
>>>> d.values()[0]
> 1
> and that'd be an end to it.
> In Python 3:

If you are happy to give the sole value a name:

   >>> shoe = dict(it=math.pi)
   >>> [o] = shoe.values()
   >>> o

You might be able to use * to pass the sole value to a function:

   >>> print(*shoe.values())

But the most readable thing might be to have a function that extracts
the sole value by whatever means:

   >>> def sole(d): [o] = d.values() ; return o
   >>> sole(shoe)

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