Mike Meyer writes: > > The only way ISPs will find out that Python is popular is if potential > customers tell them they need it. So if they say no, be *sure* and > tell them you won't be using them because of that.
I think this is an issue of critical mass, but I know minds the like of this group will immediate see that something as general as critical mass can be further reduced. Point being, all one needs is critical mass at a given point to overcome the inertia at that point. By overcoming inertia, and getting change at that point, if that point is visible to other major points, you can change thought on the larger scale. <warning, some elements of this message may be considered commercial and or troublemaking in nature> Personally, my current needs are sub collocation or dedicated server. In respect of a good ISP (though I may be breaking all usenet etiquette by mentioning a specific hosting company), I have been treated well by Zettai.net (Zope, Plone, Python + the usual other languages) -- and I get a lot of value there. I have no desire to move. Good people, and nice hosting if you like Unix. However, I would really like to see Python hosting part of the normal competitive hosting landscape, at least for the reasons mentioned --- sometimes we do not get to pick the host. What percent of the commercial hosting servers will my (Python) code run on? It is a small number, I think. So, if this issue were going to get some attention from some Pythonistas, what are the 2,3 or 5 hosting companies we would most like to see Python hosting offered by? And what are their e-mail addresses? I would certainly nominate GoDaddy.com ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), who haves done a tremendous job on domain name registration, and may end up with a very large footprint in the (recently launched) hosting business. Python should definitely run on their servers (filers?). For the betterment of mankind. Anyway, just a thought. EP -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list