Sean Melville wrote:

>> On 11 Jan 2016, at 20:33, Cameron Simpson <> wrote:
>>> On 11Jan2016 19:17, Sean Melville <> wrote:
>>> I've downloaded python 3.5.1 but when I try and open it always says that
>>> I have to either uninstall it, repair it or modify it. However, I've
>>> tried all of them and it still doesn't work.
>> On what operating system are you trying to install it?
>> If you are using XP you need to download Python 3.4; Python 3.5 is not
>> compatible with it.
> I don't believe it's xp, it's a new laptop

You can quickly find out by pressing the key combination <Windows>+<Pause>.

Please do not top-post.  The bats are reading elsewhere ;-)


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