Marko Rauhamaa wrote:

> Well, Git and Mercurial are not all that bad as long as only a single
> person is working on the repository at any given time and you have a
> strictly linear version history.

I cannot confirm your observations(?) for Git.  There was a time when three 
of four people of our team (me included) were working in the same and in 
different branches of the same repository without any serious problem 
(occasional merge conflicts cannot be avoided in such a scenario, of 
course).  The resulting commit tree was fascinating to us :)

Also, that Git appears to work well with Linux kernel development (for which 
it was created) where probably hundreds of developers, if not more, are 
working on at the same time, casts into doubt the correctness of your 
statement, and the amount of your work experience with Git.

> That would be advisable anyway as you should have a separate repository
> for each conceptual unit.

Apples and oranges.


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