On 31/12/2015 19:18, otaksoftspamt...@gmail.com wrote:
I need to check a string over which I have no control for the first 2 non-white 
space characters (which should be '[{').

The string would ideally be: '[{...' but could also be something like
'  [  {  ....'.

Best to use re and how? Something else?

Use pyparsing it is straight forward:

>>> from pyparsing import Suppress, restOfLine

>>> mystring = Suppress('[') + Suppress('{') + restOfLine

>>> result = mystring.parse(' [ { .... I am learning pyparsing' )

>>> print result.asList()

['.... I am learning pyparsing']

You'll get your string inside the list.

Hope this help see pyparsing doc for in depth study.


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