On Tue, 29 Dec 2015 06:25:49 -0800 (PST), damien.ishac...@gmail.com wrote:

> hello I would only change the scale of the y-axis, how to deal with
> matplotlib.pyplot or another library ?

Here's a function I use.  ax is an "axes" object, which you can get
by calling the get-current-axes (gca()) method of some plot object,
for example

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    <plot a bunch of stuff>
    expand_limits(plt.gca(), 0.08)

Anyway, here's the function:

def expand_limits(ax, factor):
    """Expand the limits on a plotting area by the specified factor.
    def expand(xmin, xmax):
        d = xmax - xmin
        return xmin - 0.5*factor*d, xmax + 0.5*factor*d

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  • yaxis damien . ishacian
    • Re: yaxis Mark Lawrence
    • Re: yaxis Peter Pearson

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