you are absolutely correct Mark i'm a beginner in python and from the original question and test case given above i wrote this
class BankAccount(object): def __init__(self, initial_balance=0): self.balance = initial_balance def deposit(self, amount): self.balance +=amount def withdraw(self, amount): self.balance -= amount my_account = BankAccount(90) my_account.withdraw(1000) if my_account.balance < 4: print('invalid transaction') class MinimumBalanceAccount(BankAccount): def __init__(self, MinimumBalance=4): self.minbalance = MinimumBalance after executing this i got this TEST SOLUTION ERROR which i don't know what it means {"finished": true, "success": [{"fullName": "test_balance", "passedSpecNumber": 1}, {"fullName": "test_deposit", "passedSpecNumber": 2}, {"fullName": "test_sub_class", "passedSpecNumber": 3}, {"fullName": "test_withdraw", "passedSpecNumber": 4}], "passed": false, "started": true, "failures": [{"failedSpecNumber": 1, "fullName": "test_invalid_operation", "failedExpectations": [{"message": "Failure in line 23, in test_invalid_operation\n self.assertEqual(self.my_account.withdraw(1000), \"invalid transaction\", msg='Invalid transaction')\nAssertionError: Invalid transaction\n"}]}], "specs": {"count": 5, "pendingCount": 0, "time": "0.000065"}} -910 invalid transaction SO please what is wrong with my code, does it not meet the requirement of the "test case" given above in the question? Thanks in advance --