
I'd like to see instruction execution enhanced with the following two ideas:

1. A termination bit, and a terminator pointer.
2. A alternation bit, and a alternate pointer.

The purpose of these bits is as follows:

Before a processor/core executes an instruction both bits are examined.

1. If the termination bit is set the instruction is not executed and instead the processor sets the instruction pointer to the termination pointer. 2. If the alternation bit is set the instruction is not executed and instead the processor sets the instruction pointer to the alternation pointer.

The idea behind this is support multi threading/parallelism better.

The idea is that Thread A could terminate Thread B immediately so that Thread B does not continue execution. The idea is also that Thread A could influence Thread B to start executing a different path.

Hopefully these bits are enough for operating systems to add support for this. Some issues remaining could be items pushed on the stack. Perhaps operating system can deal with that, or perhaps compiler or perhaps some other special instructions or software methods can be added. Hopefully operating systems can include data structures per thread that can be loaded into the core, and into these bits and pointers so that it becomes active. During a context switch these bits and pointers should be loaded accordingly.
So these two bits and these two pointers become part of the context.

I think these two features would be usefull to make multi-threading more responsive and faster reaction time to changes/events occuring.

(Eventually it would be nice if these low level features would end up in high level languages like Python ;))



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