On 12/16/2015 8:07 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
On 12/16/2015 1:22 PM, George Trojan wrote:
I installed Python 3.1 on RHEL 7.2.

According to the output below, you installed 3.5.1. Much better than the years old 3.1.

This was not my only mistake. I ran the test on Fedora 19, not RHEL 7.2.
The command make test hangs (or
takes a lot of time on test_subprocess
[396/397] test_subprocess

[["test_socket", 0, false],

This appears to pass arguments to a specific test, test_socket. I would guess this is done by setting sys.argv. This is the first I knew about this. What follows of a dict of options. Most could have been set with normal --option flags. Most are the defaults.

>  {"huntrleaks": false,
>   "match_tests": null,
>   "failfast": false,
>   "output_on_failure": false,
>   "use_resources":
    ["curses", "network", "decimal", "cpu", "subprocess", "urlfetch"],
  "pgo": false,
>   "timeout": null
>  }
> ]

The relevant non-default is 'use_resources'. In particular, 'cpu' runs 'certain CPU-heavy tests', and 'subprocess' runs all subprocess tests. I ran both 'python -m test -usubprocess test_subprocess' and
'python -m test -ucpu -usubprocess test_subprocess
and both took about the same time and less than a minute.

The only thing that puzzles me is that I don't see '"randomize": true' in the dict above, but test_subprocess is 317 in the default alphabetical order, not 396.

You might try re-running with defaults: python -m test.

Thanks, after several trials I settled for command ("make test" hangs for Python3.4.1 too):

dilbert@gtrojan> /usr/local/src/Python-3.4.1/python Lib/test/test_socket.py

which was the culprit. After checking the code, I found that creating RDS socket did not raise an exception.

>>> import socket
>>> s = socket.socket(socket.PF_RDS, socket.SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0)

It does on other RH based systems (Centos, RHEL, Fedora != 19). FC 19 has /proc/sys/net/rds, other systems don't. So this is probably not a Python issue, but buggy implementation of RDS.


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