On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 3:42 AM, Dan Strohl <d.str...@f5.com> wrote:
> For the general modules it doesn't matter, however using if you are using any 
> non-standard packages, and If there are duplicate names in any of the modules 
> and if you import them with a "*" (as some packages suggest), it can cause 
> you to end up referring to an object you were not intending to.
> [chomp]
> Note, using * is dis-recommended, though pretty often done, for more 
> information on using *, see: 
> https://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/modules.html#importing-from-a-package

This is exactly why (well, one of the reasons why) star imports are
generally not recommended. There are a small number of modules that
have promised to keep their namespaces clean in order to make this
viable, but even there, it has issues of confusion. There are a few
good places to use star imports, such as when you wrap one module in
another; I would STRONGLY recommend against using two star imports in
a single file, without being VERY sure of what you're doing.


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