In a message of Thu, 03 Dec 2015 10:27:19 +0100, writes:
>Thank you for your suggestion. This will help a lot.
>On 2015-12-03 08:32 Jussi Piitulainen <harvesting@is.invalid> wrote:
>> list = [ item for item in list
>>          if ( 'Banana' not in item and
>>               'Car' not in item ) ]
>I often saw constructions like this
>  x for x in y if ...
>But I don't understand that combination of the Python keywords (for,
>in, if) I allready know. It is to complex to imagine what there really
>I understand this
>  for x in y:
>    if ...
>But what is about the 'x' in front of all that?

This is a list comprehension.

But I would solve your problem like this:

things_I_do_not_want = ['Car', 'Banana', <add all of them here>]
things_I_want = []

for item in list_of_everything_I_started_with:
    if item not in things_I_do_not_want:


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