In a message of Sat, 28 Nov 2015 14:03:10 -0800, ryguy7272 writes:
>I'm looking at this URL.
>If I hit F12 I can see tags such as these:
><a title=
><a class=
>And so on and so forth.  
>I'm wondering if someone can share a script, or a function, that will allow me 
>to pass in variables and download (or simply print) the results.  I saw a 
>sample online that I thought would work, and I made a few modifications but 
>now I keep getting a message that says: ValueError: All objects passed were 
>Here's the script that I'm playing around with.
>import requests
>import pandas as pd
>from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
>#Get the relevant webpage set the data up for parsing
>url = "";
>r = requests.get(url)
>#set up a function to parse the "soup" for each category of information and 
>put it in a DataFrame
>def get_match_info(soup,tag,class_name):
>    info_array=[]
>    for info in soup.find_all('%s'%tag,attrs={'class':'%s'%class_name}):
>        return pd.DataFrame(info_array)
>#for each category pass the above function the relevant information i.e. tag 
>tag1 = get_match_info(soup,"td","title")
>tag2 = get_match_info(soup,"td","class")
>#Concatenate the DataFrames to present a final table of all the above info 
>match_info = pd.concat([tag1,tag2],ignore_index=False,axis=1)
>print match_info
>I'd greatly appreciate any help with this.

Post your error traceback.  If you are getting Value Errors about None,
then probably something you expect to return a match, isn't.  But without
the actual error, we cannot help much.



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