On Sun, 15 Nov 2015 11:35 am, vjp2...@at.biostrategist.dot.dot.com wrote:

> Jython is python in java at jython.org.
> I tried clicking and double clicking.

Hi Vanos,

I am perfectly aware of what Jython is, what I don't know is what you
are "clicking and double-clicking".

While we are very smart and will surely be able to help you, we are not
mind-readers, and we cannot see what is on your computer. You have to help
us to help you.

That means you have to be *precise and exact* about what you are doing, not
vague. I asked you a set of questions, and you have ignored every single
one of them. How do you expect us to know what you are doing? We do not
have a magic crystal ball.

> I does a wait cycle (rotating arrow)
> then returns to attention.

I am going to GUESS that you are trying to run the Jython installer that you
got from here:


My GUESS is that you have downloaded the installer to your desktop.

Since you haven't told me what operating system you are using, I am going to
GUESS that you are using Linux, since that is what I am most familiar with.

I assume you are using a desktop manager, right-click on the desktop
background and select the command to open a terminal or console. In TDE or
KDE 3, that will probably be called "Konsole". Or use the Start menu to
open a terminal, the menu could be:

Start > System > Terminal


Start > Accessories > Terminal

or similar, depending on which desktop manager you are using. (If you are
using Windows or OS X, there will be some other way to get a terminal or
console, but I don't now it.)

At the terminal window, you should see a prompt that looks like $ (dollar
sign). At the prompt, type:

cd ~/Desktop

and then press the Enter key. The space between "cd" and the tilde ~ is
important. Now type:

java -jar jython_installer-2.7.0.jar

and press Enter. Again, spaces between words are important.

If everything works correctly, the Jython installer GUI will run, and you
can install Jython.

But if the installer doesn't run, you will probably get a bunch of error
messages printed to the terminal window. COPY and PASTE those error
messages, and send them to us here. Don't re-type them, and don't try to
summarise. We need to see the EXACT messages.



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