On 11/12/2015 06:07 AM, fl wrote:
On Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 8:58:33 AM UTC-5, fl wrote:

     def tick(self):
         """ Time will be advanced by one second """
         if self.__seconds == 59:
             self.__seconds = 0
             if (self.__minutes == 59):
                 self.__minutes = 0
                 self.__hours = 0 if self.__hours==23  else self.__hours+1
                self.__minutes += 1;
             self.__seconds += 1;

Nothing to do with your original question, just a trivial suggestion which you are free to ignore. You can shorten this tick() method by using the divmod() function. It does a division and returns both the quotient AND the remainder. IOW, given divmod(x, y) it returns the tuple (x/y, x%y). It is a very useful function. Try this:

def tick(self):
    xtra, self._seconds = divmod(self._seconds + 1, 60)
    xtra, self._minutes = divmod(self._minutes + xtra, 60)
    self._hours += xtra

Explanation:  (to shorten this, I'm leaving off the leading "self._" from the 
actual code.)
The first divmod() sets xtra = (seconds+1) / 60, which is the 'overflow' if any, from the division by 60, and seconds is the updated seconds limited to 0-59 (the result of (seconds+1) % 60). The second divmod() does the same thing to update minutes (if xtra != 0) and xtra is set to the 'overflow' from that division, which is then added to hours.

More confusing perhaps, but definitely shorter.
As I said above, use it if you want or ignore it if it's too confusing.

     -=- Larry -=-


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