On 2015-11-10 01:53, Bernie Lazlo wrote:
On Monday, 9 November 2015 20:31:52 UTC-5, MRAB wrote:
On 2015-11-10 01:12, Bernie Lazlo wrote:
> On Monday, 9 November 2015 19:30:23 UTC-5, MRAB wrote:
>> On 2015-11-09 23:52, Bernie Lazlo wrote:
>> > This should be a simple problem but I have wasted hours on it. Any help
would be appreciated. [I have taken my code back to almost the very beginning.]
>> > ========================
>> > The student scores need to be summed.
>> > ========================
>> > import json
>> > import urllib
>> > url = "http://www.wickson.net/geography_assignment.json"
>> > response = urllib.urlopen(url)
>> > data = json.loads(response.read())
>> > lst1 = list(data.items())
>> > print lst1
>> >
>> Do it a step at a time.
>> It's a list, so start with indexing.
> I think of the file as two lists. The second list appears to be a list of tuples containing
"names" and "scores". How would you index or extract those.
Right, so lst1[1] gets you closer to what you want.
Further indexing will get you even closer.
lst2 = lst1[1] removes first line of instructions
printing lst2[1:2] produces essentially the list of students and scores ??
([{u'student ': u'Hannah', u'score': 77}, {u'student ': u'Emily', u'score':
57}, {u'student ': u'Olivia', u'score': 80}, {u'student ': u'Nora', u'score':
lst1 is 1 list of 2 items, both of which are tuples. lst1[1] gives you
the second tuple.
That tuple contains 2 items, the first a string and the second a list.
You want the second item, so that's lst1[1][1].
Each of the items in that list is a dict.