> You have a couple options that occur to me:
> 1) set up an SMTP server somewhere (or use the existing one you're
> receiving this email at in the event you're getting it as mail
> rather than reading it via NNTP or a web interface) to receive the
> mail, then create a Python script to poll that inbox (usually POP3 or
> IMAP) for messages addressed.  The mails can be extracted, parsed,
> and deleted

Why should I setup the SMTP server? If my email is on gmail server, I can read 
the messages from there from time to time.

> 2) similar to above, set up an SMTP server, but use server processing
> scripts (e.g. procmail scripts) to launch some script when matching
> emails are received.  It would save you from polling (reducing server
> load) and most scripting frameworks pipe the message in on stdin so
> you don't have to muck with POP3/IMAP logins.

That would be nice but I don't have an access to the server processing scripts.

> 3) write your own STMP daemon that would do listen and react when
> appropriate messages come in.

For now, I could set some time interval, let's say every five minutes for mail 
checking. I could parse the mail, but at the moment I am not sure how mail body 
should look like in order to be sure that I have parsed the information 

I agree, #2 is the best approach because you are doing something when the mail 
arrives. In this case you don't have to pull mail server from time to time.


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