Thank you Fuzzy, I will look into these things. Maybe the site is setting a 
cookie, as you have suggested. I have never delved into the ways of http 
except to configure apache and write some very bare-bones web pages, so I 
have to say that some very obvious things do not occur to me.


On Wednesday 03 August 2005 08:41 am, Fuzzyman wrote:
> Hello James,
> httplib is built on top of the socket module - but is still a library
> meant for doing fairly low level http operations. For fetching URLs,
> urllib2 is probably the way to go. It handles GET and POST with ease.
> If you think this will do the job then you could try reading the
> urllib2 tutorial at :
> You might wnat to look at other extension modules too - ClientCookie
> for handling cookies, ClientForm for automatically filling in the
> forms, BeautifulSoup for parsing HTML pages....
> All the Best,
> Fuzzy

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