On 2015-11-08 02:11, phamton...@gmail.com wrote:
I am having issue with converting the string into a float because there is a negative, so 
only end up with "ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 81.4]"

def contains_words(word,msg):
        if word in msg:
                return true
                return false
def get_tweet(tweet_line):
        part_list = tweet_line.split('\t')
        tweet = part_list[3]
        return tweet

def get_longitude(tweet_line):
        part_list = tweet_line.split('\t')
        gps = part_list[0]
        gps_list = gps.split(', ')
        long = gps_list[1]
        long1 = long[1:]
        longitude = float(long1)
        return longitude

a = get_longitude("[41.3, -81.4]\t6\t2011-08-28 19:02:28\tyay. little league world 
print a

the answer should be
get_longitude("[41.3, -81.4]\t6\t2011-08-28 19:02:28\tyay. little league world 
series!") → -81.4

You're slicing the wrong end off 'long'.

You have '-81.4]'. You want '-81.4'. You should be doing long[ : -1].


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