On 26/10/15 01:17, Montana Burr wrote:
I'm looking for a library that will allow Python to listen for the
shriek of a smoke alarm. Once it detects this shriek, it is to notify
someone. Ideally, specificity can be adjusted for the user's
environment. For example, I expect to need moderate specificity as I
live in a quiet neighborhood, but an apartment dweller might need more.
I'm thinking of recording a smoke alarm and having the program try to
find the recorded sound in the stream from the microphone.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
It would really be helpful if you could explain the (hardware) setting
in more detail.
When you say "Python to listen" I assume you mean a microphone connected
to a computer where your python programme will be running.
How many smoke allarms and in what radius should be detected? Or is it
only a specific one?
This could range from a simple programme triggered by an amplitude
change (e.g. a piezo attached to the single alarm in question) to a
complex audio fingerprinting one...