On 29/10/2015 17:28, Tim Golden wrote:
On 29/10/2015 16:14, Steffen Herzfeldt wrote:
I just wanted to let you know that your program just doesn't work on
I guess you just think "Linux is better anyway" to which i agree until
it comes to games requiring directx, but that doesn't change the fact
that the installer was labeled as working on win32 systems.

Others have replied that the installer has a fix for the next release
which will highlight this sooner. I would point out that we have
gradually dropped support for *several* win32-based systems over the
last few years, more or less following Microsoft's own deprecation
regime. Win9x was dropped in 2.6; 2000 was dropped in 3.3.

Specifically from https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0011/#microsoft-windows, the first three paragraphs.

Microsoft has established a policy called product support lifecycle [1] . Each product's lifecycle has a mainstream support phase, where the product is generally commercially available, and an extended support phase, where paid support is still available, and certain bug fixes are released (in particular security fixes).

CPython's Windows support now follows this lifecycle. A new feature release X.Y.0 will support all Windows releases whose extended support phase is not yet expired. Subsequent bug fix releases will support the same Windows releases as the original feature release (even if the extended support phase has ended).

Because of this policy, no further Windows releases need to be listed in this PEP.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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