Novice Experl wrote:

>I'd like to write a simple application that interfaces with the parallel port, 
>and changes the data on it according to keyboard input. I hope I can get it to 
>run under windows xp and / or windows 2000.
>How can I do this? What do I need to know? It doesn't look like the standard 
>library (the one under my pillow) has that feature. In addition, I've heard 
>that with newer versions of windows don't let you communicate with the port 
>directly, instead requiring interfacing with some driver?
>I came across this:
>but it seems to only be used for direct access (would it work with XP?), and 
>hasn't been updated for a couple of years. In addition, it requires something 
>called  "Java Communications" (JavaComm) extension for Java/Jython, doesn't 
>provide a link to it, and when I google it - google returns the page I came 
>To add to the confusion, I hope I can provide a py2exe executable of my script 
>instead of forcing a complete installation.
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Here's teh link to jaavx.comm -

The interface stuff, hmm I'm not quite sure what you are on about you 
access ports through the win32 API which is the 'driver' - you could 
probably bypass this and start playing around with assembly code but 
there's no point!!




Neil Benn
Senior Automation Engineer
Cenix BioScience
BioInnovations Zentrum
Tatzberg 47

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