On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 12:23 AM, Skip Montanaro
<skip.montan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Finally, there is also a "localhost" record in known_hosts. Connecting to
> that fails with a different exception:
>>>> ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
>>>> conn = ssh.connect("localhost")
> error getsockaddrarg: bad family
> [<stdin>|<module>|1] [paramiko/client.py|connect|251]
> [paramiko/util.py|retry_on_signal|270] [paramiko/client.py|<lambda>|251]
> [/opt/TWWfsw/python27/lib/python2.7/socket.py|meth|224]
> I use host key authentication, not password authentication.
> Any pointers appreciated.

The "bad family" error suggests that there's a mismatch between IPv4
and IPv6. It's common for /etc/hosts to contain two references to
localhost, one as and another as ::1 (IPv4 and IPv6
respectively), and if ssh.connect() is picking the wrong one, it'll
have trouble. If you hack your hosts file to have only one localhost,
does the problem disappear?


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