I checked out a copy of svn.python.org/projects/stackless/trunk because it seems to have a good sample project (PC/example_nt) for building a Python extension on Windows. That directory has a Microsoft Visual C++ solution file which can be updated to my Visual C++ version (8, of 2005).
First I tried cd-ing to that directory, as they recommend, and saying "python setup.py install". The result? A very common complaint, "Unable to find vcvarsall.bat". A search using Windows would suggest that that file doesn't exist anywhere on my system. So I followed the VC++ build instructions, and copied the example_nt directory up one level in the tree before building it. But when I actually try to build the solution it wants to look in the PCBuild directory for python27.lib, which isn't there. Nor can I find that library anywhere else. What gives? Is this project somehow hopelessly out of date? And more to the point, can someone direct me to a nice, fresh example project that will build a little Python extension on Windows? Thanks, Ken ?
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